Slide Survey Online

The Slide Survey Program of the SPP is intended for all pathologists and pathology trainees. The slide survey is offered in online version only. The slide survey online (SSO) consists of 15 cases per year (3 sets of 5 cases each) which include virtual microscope slides, digital versions of the booklets and the electronic answer-submission sheets, as well as survey analysis, case discussion, and select case archives. Participants can expect to spend approximately one hour on each case, including reviewing the history and slide, arriving at a diagnosis, answering the questions, and reviewing the contributor’s summary and case discussion. 

Slide Survey Online 2024: 
We are excited to announce the launch of the Society for Pediatric Pathology’s 2024 Slide Survey Online activity on a new platform, EthosCE. Currently, all cases are available. Please visit this link to register for the 2024 Slide Survey Online activity. If you do not already have an EthosCE account you will need to select “Register” in the top right corner. 
  SPP Member Non-Member
Practicing or Retired Pathologist $125 $150
Pathologist-in-Training Free Free

Please e-mail [email protected] with any questions or login issues. 

CME Information
2021 Case Set 1 Accreditation Information
2021 Case Set 2 Accreditation Information 
2021 Case Set 3 Accreditation Information
2022 Case Set 1 Accreditation Information
2022 Case Set 2 Accreditation Information
2022 Case Set 3 Accreditation Information 
2023 Case Set 1 Accreditation Information
2023 Case Set 2 Accreditation Information